My Experiments with Truth
Author – Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
The influence of the ‘A Story of My experiments with Truth’ in my life .
It is hard to believe that a person who was an advocate became the
‘Father of the Nation’. The book gives a clear view how Bapuji led his life of
truth and wisdom . He did not support one party or religion , he stood with
those who told truth . This made me think and read more about this
extraordinary person .
imprisoned at Yeravda .
Once , Bapuji was really affected with a conversation with his friend
who asked him whether this decision of writing an autobiography was right? . He
pointed out that no person in the East has wrote an autobiography . He added
that it was the passion of the West to write autobiography . He asked Gandhi
whether he would regret for the decision in the future.
This made Bapuji a
little exhausted. But he never went back . His strong decision made this a
great success. Now this book has been read by millions and trillions o people
around the world . His character of taking strong decisions made me inspired
and which made me take good decisions and to be strong.
He writes that he had never thought of
writing an autobiography but he has seen this book only as his life journey o
truth .
He , in this book wanted
to narrate his experience with truth at various aspects of his life .
Gandhi never was fond of his title as ‘Mahatma’ because it always gave
him a pain in his heart .
His character of being
simple , kind- hearted and self depended influenced me lot . Because these are
the three components of life in my view . The people with these qualities are
found less. These all qualities are hard to find in a person .
Now a days the
people never think of the problems others face . They always think of their
happiness and never think from other’s point of view . For such a society ,
this book is very useful . Bapuji had dreamt of a new
Gandhi worked as an
newspaper editor in Johennesberg for the newspaper ‘Indian Opinion’ . While he
was working there , he was strongly influenced by the book titiled ‘Unto the
Last’ by John Ruskin .
Bapuji followed the value
points from that book . He always applied these three facts in his life . They
are as follows :
A good of the individual is contained in the good of
all .
A lawyer’s work has the same value as a barber’s , in
so much as they all have the same right of earning their livelihood from their
work .
A life of labour , i.e , manual labour is a life worth
living .
Gandhi in 1894 , helped
and found the Natal Indian Congress.
He returned to
He dedicated his whole
life to
In my view , Bapuji’s way
of living was the appropriate way to live . Because the caring and dedication
he gave to other’s problems was very influencial . I liked the following points
from this book that Gandhiji applied in his life :
1. Truthful character
2.Self – realization
3.Self – depended
4.Strong decision making
5.Simple way of living
7.Dedication to work
8. Caring and love for others
9. No inequality among any
caste , religion or gender .
I hope that this book would make all
the readers a will to be self – depended and be self -motivated always . This book helped me to take a number
of decisions .
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