Message from The Principal
“Books are good company, in sad times and happy times, for books are people – people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the covers of a book.” E.B.White Friends, in bad times we are, no doubt. But should we remain sad. In fact the greatest challenges have offered the best opportunities for the human race. Now we do have one at our doorstep. And how lucky we are……all such instances of the past have been recorded in books for us to read, experience and overcome. I think all my wonderful students and members of staff would greatly enjoy and be benefitted by “reading books”. I know many are habitual readers. Here is a platform (blog) for all of us to share: The book that you are reading now with all its details (Name, Author, Publisher etc.) Why did you pick that book, who introduced it to you, where did you get the book from How much did you enjoy the book/how much did it disappoint you and why ...